About the Journal
The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (NAJFNR) is an esteemed international scholarly publication, rigorously peer-reviewed and accessible online.
The NAJFNR is administered by Lab-NuPABS Publisher and enjoys the sponsorship of its esteemed founders, Professors Meghit Boumediene KHALED and Mustapha DIAF.
Endorsed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research under the General Directorate (DGRSDT) (www.dgrsdt.dz), the journal is dedicated to the expeditious dissemination of cutting-edge laboratory and clinical research findings across all facets of human nutrition and food sciences.
The NAJFNR is:

DOI resolver prefix suffix
The prefix "10.51745" is attributed by the Crossref Organization
The suffix is composed of: najfnr.5.11.340-348
najfnr: abbreviation of the journal name
5: number of volume
11: number of issue
340-348: number of pages