What is NAJFNR?

The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (NAJFNR) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research papers across all disciplines of nutrition and food science. Our team of experts ensures editorial excellence, prompt publication, and wide visibility for your papers.​

Why Should I Publish in NAJFNR?

Our dedicated editorial team, consisting of over 70 active researchers from various disciplines, ensures efficient processing of papers without compromising on quality. Every published article is immediately available online and indexed by Crossref, Google Scholar, AJOL, Mendeley, and other indexing and repository databases, maximizing its reach. Additionally, our focus on generating impact through press coverage and social media provides papers with increased visibility and discoverability.

For more information, visit our About page.


What is the Journal's mailing address and telephone number?

For complete contact information, please go to the Contact Us page.


Who is on the Journal's Editorial Board?

Current members of the Journal's Editorial Board can be found on the Editorial Board page.

What is the Journal Publication Frequency?

The journal is published biannually.


What types of articles does the Journal publish?

For information on the types of articles published in the journal, please visit the specific webpage and instructions.


Is the Journal indexed?

Please visit the appropriate webpage to learn about the journal's indexing.


Presentation at Conferences

We are planning to present an abstract of our manuscript at a conference. Will that constitute prior publication?

Presenting an abstract of your manuscript at a scientific conference does not constitute prior publication and will not affect your chances of publishing in the journal.


How to submit a manuscript to the journal?

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via email at For more information, visit the submission webpage.



May authors suggest reviewers?

Authors may suggest reviewers for their submissions; however, they should avoid suggesting individuals connected to the study or affiliated with their own institution.


Submission of Low-Resolution Images

We have beautiful color images, but our files are huge. May we send low-resolution versions instead?

Low-resolution images may be submitted initially, but if a revision is requested, high-resolution files will be required.


Tracking Manuscript Status

Can we track our submission through the review process? What about after publication?

The status of your article can be tracked through a link sent to the corresponding author and all co-authors. After publication, updates will also be provided regarding the article's status.