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Pr. Méghit Boumédiène KHALED, PhD                                                 

Curriculum Vitae l Pdf l                               


Short biography

Prof. Méghit Boumédiène KHALED, is a Distinguished Professor of Biology and Nutrition. He graduated from Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes. He obtained a Research Fellow in December 2014 in Malaysia. In 2015 he was awarded the certificate of Professor with distinction from the Ministry of Higher Education with the highest honor and recognition.

His research interests are in the field of nutrition and non-communicable diseases with a public health perspective. His MSc and PhD dissertation was on the effect of Ramadan fasting on obese patients with type 2 diabetes. He has been conducting research in this area for over 20 years. He is also interested in the health of groups of adolescents and children as well as eating habits. In recent years he has been working on developing meta-analyzes on the relationship between cancer, nutrition and metabolic syndrome, colorectal adenoma, effect of carotenoids. Models of the Mediterranean diet in relation to the development of certain types of cancer, particularly colorectal.

He has coordinated and served as investigator on a large number of research projects in the field of nutrition, food science and food security. He serves as an expert consultant and scientific council member of the Thematic Agency of Research in Health Sciences (ATRSS) and member of the Algerian Society of Nutrition (SAN).

He added more than thirty conferences to his skills and talents, as official speaker of multi-awarded programs promoting good nutrition in his country. In 2015, he was the chairman of the 1st CNDR “Conference on Nutrition and Diabetes during Ramadan”. 

Pr. Khaled has published several papers related to nutrition and health and on Ramadan fasting diet and diabetes. In 2016, he founded an international open access journal called The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research (ISSN: 2588-1582; https://www.najfnr.org, of which he is the editor-in-chief. Pr. Khaled is a founding member of the Algerian Journal of Health Sciences - AJHS”. He is also a reviewer editor in “Frontiers in Clinical Nutrition”, “Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism”, “Pathology - Research and Practice” “Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition - ICDDR B ”, “ Journal of Research in Medical Sciences”,“ Diabetes Research and Treatment ” “Industrial Crops and Products” “African Health Sciences” “ International Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism ”, etc. and member in the advisory board of Heliyon journal. Elsevier - www.cell.com.


Contact the Editor

Laboratoire de Nutrition, Pathologie, Agro-Biotechnologie & Santé. Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria 

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Pr. Mustapha Diaf, PhD                                                 

Curriculum Vitae   l Pdf


Short biography

Mustapha was born in Sidi-Bel-Abbès, Algeria in 1983. Currently he is a teaching-researcher who obtained his Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, specializing in Food and Human Nutrition, in 2015 under the guidance of Pr. Khaled Méghit Boumediene. Affiliated with Djillali LIABES University of Sidi-Bel-Abbès, he embarked on his teaching-research career in 2012 and was promoted full Professor in 2022. His research covers a diverse spectrum, spanning human nutrition, metabolic pathologies, and biostatistics. He is particularly impassioned about investigating the dietary behaviors of individuals across various life stages, acknowledging the substantial implications of these habits on long-term well-being. Within the Lab-NUPABS laboratory, DIAF Mustapha leads the NUMEP team. He contributes as a reviewer and editorial team member for esteemed journals. Since 2017, he has served as the editor manager of the NAJFNR journal, underscoring his commitment to elevating quality in food and nutrition research.

Mustapha, a formal founder of the NAJFNR, has served as managing editor and has been closely involved in the journal’s activities since its inception as an author, a reviewer and an editorial member. Furthermore, he helped set the Journal on the right path and promotion.

Contact the Editor

Laboratoire de Nutrition, Pathologie, Agro-Biotechnologie & Santé. Djillali Liabes University of Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria

      ResearcherID      ORCID-icon        blue_white_shadow     Google Scholar     ZWETEbZY_400x400      220px-Logo-mark.svg        

Assistant Editors
- Mostefa Naimi, PhD    Contact   (ScopusORCIDRGGS)  Affiliation
- Imene Benchikh, PhD    Contact   (ScopusORCIDRGGS)  Affiliation
- Imane Bouragba, PhD    Contact   (ScopusORCIDRGGS)  Affiliation
- Amina Tires, PhD    Contact   (ScopusORCIDRGGS)  Affiliation
- Yacine Tahiri, PhD    Contact   (ScopusORCIDRGGS)  Affiliation
- Kawther Ali Abbou, PhD   Contact   (ScopusORCIDRGGS)  Affiliation