Journal Insight and Metrics
NAJFNR Metrics
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Publication activity (latest 6 years)
RCR (Relative Citation Ratio)
Top cited publications RCR
408 Authors across 45 countries
Journal Cites
Journals that cited The NAJFNR
Review Process Speed​
Submission to first decision: Average time from manuscript submission to the initial decision on the article. 10 days
Submission to final decision: Average time from manuscript submission to the final editorial decision whether it is acceptance or rejection. 120 days (≈ 16 weeks)
Manuscript acceptance to article first online: Average time from manuscript acceptance to the final appearance online. 15 days (≈ 2 weeks)​
Acceptance Rate: 38%
Rejection rate: 62%
After Review reject: 12%
Authors and Reviewers Affiliations: 48% (Foreign Authors), 54% (Foreign Reviewers)