Traditional cereals-based foods in North African cuisine: Wheat as the cornerstone

Fatma Boukid (1)
(1) ClonBio Group LTD 6 Fitzwilliam Pl, Dublin, D02 XE61 , Ireland


Background:  Wheat-based foods occupy a central role in the culinary heritage of North Africa, spanning Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. These staple foods have been deeply embedded in the dietary practices and cultural traditions of the regions for centuries, reflecting the rich agricultural and cultural history tied to wheat cultivation.

Aims: This review explores the historical and contemporary significance of wheat as a foundational element of staple dishes in North Africa. The review examines the preparation techniques and cultural significance of diverse wheat-based products, including pasta-type dishes, bread, flatbreads, soups, whole grains, and pastries. Furthermore, the review critically evaluates the interplay between traditional practices and modern trends shaped by globalization, industrial agriculture, and sustainability challenges.

Methods: The study employs a systematic review of scientific literature, historical documents, culinary research, and grey literature. The review incorporates an in-depth analysis of 72 traditional wheat-based products, highlighting their preparation methods and cultural contexts.

Results:  The review highlights the pivotal role of wheat-based foods in North African cuisine. Traditional dishes exhibit a rich diversity of textures and flavors, reflecting regional variations and historical influences. However, the increasing prevalence of mass production and standardization, driven by globalization has led to the erosion of traditional practices such as sourdough fermentation, whole grain utilization, and artisanal techniques. The shift towards industrially processed products and homogenized dietary preferences has significantly impacted the preservation of traditional culinary techniques and ingredients.

Conclusions: Despite the pressures of modernization and global influences, traditional wheat-based foods remain an indispensable component of North Africa's culinary heritage. Initiatives to preserve and revitalize traditional practices, including the use of sourdough and whole grains, are essential for safeguarding the cultural richness of North African cuisine and addressing sustainability challenges.

Keywords: Bread, Flatbread, Couscous, Pasta, Globalization, Ethnic Food.

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Fatma Boukid (Primary Contact)
Boukid, F. (2025). Traditional cereals-based foods in North African cuisine: Wheat as the cornerstone. The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 9(19), 41–56.

Article Details

Received 2024-10-11
Accepted 2025-01-08
Published 2025-02-02