Effect of polysaccharide-coatings on the physicochemical properties and nutritional composition of deep-fried chicken breasts
Background: The consumption of deep-fried foods has been a topic of considerable debate in nutritional science due to its potential adverse effects on health. In this context, the method of coating deep-fried chicken breasts has garnered increasing attention.
Aims: This study aimed to provide valuable insights into the effects of alternative plant-based coatings on the physicochemical and nutritional properties of deep-fried chicken breast, with the broader objective of promoting healthier food options for consumers.
Materials and Methods: Pre-weighed, marinated chicken breast chunks were immersed in treatment batter made from various edible flour coatings, including wheat, sweet potato, cassava, and cocoyam. The samples were refrigerated and subsequently deep-fried. The fried products were analyzed for proximate and mineral composition, while breaded samples were examined for physicochemical properties.
Results: While coating did not affect the coating yield, it significantly increased frying yield (p < 0.0001) and pH (p = 0.0105). However, edible coatings did no significantly influence the lightness (p = 0.1481), redness (p = 0.3596), or yellowness (p = 0.6852) of the meat. Among proximate components, crude fiber and energy levels remained unchanged, but other parameters varied significantly across treatments (p < 0.05). Likewise, most mineral parameters, except magnesium, exhibited significant differences among coatings (p < 0.05). Notably, sweet potato coatings enhanced the physicochemical and proximate attributes more effectively than the other coatings, while cocoyam coatings yielded superior mineral composition compared to wheat flour.
Conclusion: Alternative plant-based coatings significantly influenced the physicochemical properties, nutrient composition, and mineral content of deep-fried chicken breasts. These findings suggest that utilizing such coatings could result in healthier fried chicken products. Further research is necessary to optimize these coatings for enhanced consumer acceptability and to support their integration into healthier dietary options.
Keywords: Frying medium, frying yield, meat color, mineral content, wheat flour substitutes.
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