Proximate analysis of selected agricultural waste for their nutritional potential
Background: Global food insecurity is worsening as a result of the speedily expanding human population and this is taking a huge toll on the availability of feed for livestock. Alternative food sources are urgently required as livestock feeds to reduce the stern food competition between man and livestock. Agricultural waste may be able to provide cost-effective sources of nutrients. Aim: The study determines the proximate properties of agricultural waste for their possible use as raw material for animal feed. Material and methods: Consequently, 10 samples of agricultural waste were collected from locations in Edo state where the plants are cultivated in commercial quantities. Proximate analysis was performed on the samples using standard protocols to evaluate their nutritive potentials for utilization as feedstuffs for livestock feeds. The proximate properties of the agricultural waste were compared with plantain flesh (PF Auchi and PF Benin). Results: Significant variations exist among the samples (p < 0.05) with respect to their fat, protein, nitrogen free extract (NFE) and dietary fiber content. The following samples had highest proximate values; corn cob (moisture content at 17.38%), PP Usen (ash content at 7.58%), PP Benin (fat content at 7.20%), CHI Usen (fiber content at 12.70%), PP Auchi (protein content at 19.83%) and PF Benin (Nitrogen Free Extract (NFE) at 73.43%). Plantain peels had the closest proximate properties to plantain flesh. Conclusion: The results from the analysis show that the proximate properties of the wastes compare favorably with plantain flesh and will be suitable for livestock feeds production. The production of livestock feed from agricultural waste would also serve as an effective and attractive method to manage the waste.
Keywords: livestock, agricultural waste, nutrient, feeds.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Muniratu Maliki, Esther Uwadia Ikhuoria, Patience Aluyor

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Article Details
Accepted 2023-06-13
Published 2023-06-29
Funding data
Tertiary Education Trust Fund
Grant numbers EDSU 08