Effect of acute supplementation of hibiscus-ginger drink on university athletes’ aerobic power and blood lactate

Yayra Kluboito (1) , Joseph Kwame Mintah (2) , Samuel Essien-Baidoo (3) , Neeyi Akesseh Arthur (4)
(1) University of Education, Winneba, Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports , Ghana
(2) University of Cape Coast, Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation , Ghana
(3) University of Cape Coast, Department of Medical Laboratory Science , Ghana
(4) University of Education, Winneba, Department of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Sports , Ghana


Background: Sport training places significant demand on athletes, motivating them to seek strategies to enhance performance and maintain competitiveness. The use of ergogenic aids has become prevalent in sport, although not without potential risks. Hibiscus-ginger juice, rich in vitamins and minerals, has been suggested to improve metabolism, aid in post-exercise recovery, reduce inflammation, and enhance athletic performance.

Aims: This study aimed to investigate the effect of hibiscus ginger juice supplementation on aerobic power and blood lactate levels in athletes.

Methods: A pretest-posttest experimental design was employed, involving 28 university athletes aged 20 – 37 years. Participants were randomly assigned to a treatment group receiving 500 mL of hibiscus-ginger juice daily after training for 24 days, or a control group. Physiological measures of blood lactate levels and aerobic power were assessed on three separate occasions during the study period.

Results: Mixed model ANOVA showed no significant differences in blood lactate levels (p = .502) or aerobic power (p = .117). Daily consumption of 500 mL of hibiscus-ginger juice for 24 days did not significantly alter aerobic power or blood lactate levels of athletes. Conclusion: The findings suggest that consuming hibiscus-ginger juice may not provide a performance advantage for athletes compared to those who do not.

Keywords: Acute supplementation, aerobic power, blood lactate level, hibiscus-ginger juice, university athletes.

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Yayra Kluboito
Joseph Kwame Mintah
Samuel Essien-Baidoo
Neeyi Akesseh Arthur
S.glackz@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Kluboito , Y., Mintah , J. K., Essien-Baidoo, S. ., & Arthur, N. A. (2024). Effect of acute supplementation of hibiscus-ginger drink on university athletes’ aerobic power and blood lactate. The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 8(18), 89–95. https://doi.org/10.51745/najfnr.8.18.89-95

Article Details

Received 2024-03-15
Accepted 2024-09-16
Published 2024-10-12